Monday, June 13, 2011

Woodland Hills Institute Finally Blogs Down

This way to the Egress, Citizens! And before you get there, Welcome to the Reborn Woodland Hills Institute, now in Blog form to suit the exigencies of Modern Times. Followers of Antique Microscopy might have encountered the Institute in days past, when we managed to construct a small and never-expanding site on AOL's old "Hometown" which we all know went by the wayside.
An Antique Microscopist

Of course, at the Institute we have been traditionally slow to embrace modern social encroachments, but the Fellows have decided to attempt to convey the transactions of the Institute to a Broader Public through this means, which is easy to use and Free.

Unfortunately, the Fellow who was originally designated to explore Social Media on behalf of the Institute succumbed to a sombre mania brought on by his work on the Riemann Zeta Function (a frequent hazard among Mathematicians at the Institute, for some reason; more on this later). He is improving, we are happy to say, and has stopped roaming the Grounds chasing imaginary zeroes with his butterfly net.  The Biology Department (from which he nicked the net) somewhat gloatingly points out that no one has ever gone mad on account of  Haeckel's Theorem.

In the posts ahead, we'll add hopefully useful features and links as well as keep you informed about the work and activities of the Institute. In fact, it's almost time for the annual WHI Weenie-Roast, which we considered postponing until the current political Furor quiets down, but decided not to. One of the Fellows pointed out that if that guy had learned to pronounce his name right it would be Why-ner not Wee-ner  -- which is almost as bad-sounding for a politician but at least lacks the puerile salaciousness associated with the latter pronunciation. (Several of the Fellows were Public School boys and know something about puerility).